
Trailer Accident along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway

Frequently Asked Questions

Designed to help people live and travel safely in Africa, the app offers real-time reporting features, location-based alerts, live streaming, and emergency services.


How does RouteWatche work?

RouteWatche uses real-time data uploaded by users and user reports to provide information about road conditions, traffic, and safety. Users can also submit reports about incidents they witness.

How do I sign up on RouteWatche?

Visit and download RouteWatche from your Android or IOS store, sign up on RouteWatche for free with your email address.

Is RouteWatche available in all parts of Nigeria?

RouteWatche is available nationwide in Nigeria.

Can I use RouteWatche without an internet connection?

No, RouteWatche requires an internet connection to provide real-time information.

Can I report incidents anonymously on RouteWatche?

Yes, users can submit reports anonymously if they choose to.

Can I use RouteWatche to plan my route?

Yes, users can use RouteWatche to plan their route and avoid areas with reported incidents or traffic congestion.

Can I use RouteWatche to find the nearest police station or hospital?

Yes, RouteWatche provides information on nearby police stations, hospitals, and other emergency services.

Can I use RouteWatche to find out about road closures or diversions?

Yes, RouteWatche provides information about road closures, diversions, and other disruptions to traffic.

Does RouteWatche have a feature for sharing my location with friends or family members?

No, RouteWatche does not currently have a feature for sharing locations with others.


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